York District High School offers students access to chaplaincy through YouthCARE, providing an essential social, emotional and mental health service to our school and community.
Our YouthCARE chaplain provides a supportive place to talk, confidential, non-judgmental pastoral care and programs based on respect, compassion and service.
All chaplains are trained in pastoral care, with ongoing training opportunities provided to specialise in critical incidences, community members living in isolation and mental health initiatives. Chaplaincy is an important part of the support we offer students who may be facing challenging personal and social issues.
At York District High School we are also lucky enough to have our Chaplain coordinate Breakfast Club. Our Breakfast Club ensures that every student has the opportunity to begin the day with the energy to achieve to their fullest potential. Breakfast Club is held every Wednesday and Friday morning from 8am – 8.30am in Room 18 of our Tipperary Block.